Thursday Night Adult Race League
The Upper Valley’s Premier Race League
Whaleback Mountain hosts the Upper Valley’s most popular Adult (18+) Ski Race League under the lights on Thursday nights with a head-to-head dual Slalom! Whether you are a returning racer, just getting into racing or an ex-olympian, this is the race league for you.
Teams of four people will race each week (one team member must be of the opposite sex). If a member of your team is unable to make it, a substitute may be used. This is a head-to-head race, with teams racing side-by-side each week.
Teams have the opportunity to accumulate a maximum of 8 points per night.
Prizes are awarded weekly thanks to our sponsors.
*Individual Racers* We are pleased to offer an individual registration this year. Individuals can substitute in any team that may be missing a racer for that night or they can race in a time trial at the end of the night.
A BIG congratulations to our 2024 champions!
Red Rockets, Shake & Bake, and Whaleyfast!

A huge thanks to Fiddlehead Brewing Company for sponsoring TNRL!
League Score Sheet
02/29/24 Times
02/15/24 Times

02/08/24 Times

02/01/24 Times

1/25/24 Times

1/18/24 Time Trials